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Father's Day - Show Your Love!

With Father’s Day right around the corner, you might be making sure you have everything checked off on your list: gifts, card, wrapping paper/gift bag, and…what else? At Happy Crafters, we want to make sure you are extra prepared for the best Father’s Day ever.

Whatever your plans are, our materials can make dad’s day even more special by giving you that extra flare to make him say, “Wow!” That extra flare isn’t something you can find on a store shelf but rather something you actually make yourself.

If you're making the standard father’s day breakfast feast or maybe you’ll be serving him breakfast in bed, add that special touch by personalizing his breakfast tray or coffee mug using either glossy or patterned vinyl.

Happy Crafters Pinterest page

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2/5/2014 9:46 AM
Hi Brenda,

The vinyl pictured here is for our OraCal adhesive vinyl. If applying to things such as a glass or dish, it is recommended to only hand wash. Steam from the dishwasher may lift or peel vinyl.

For our iron on vinyl, it will not peel when being washed in the washing machine or when in the dryer.

Hope this helps!
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