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DIY Mustache Onesie


I love baby showers and I love making cute little handmade gifts for the new little tyke. Here's a quick handmade baby shower gift idea for a boy that has been one of my favorites lately. A quick and easy DIY Mustache Onesie paired with a couple burp clothes. {you can find my favorite burp cloth tutorial here.}


I used my Silhouette CAMEO and black heat transfer for the mustache onesie. Its so quick and easy!

Quick Mustache Onesie Tutorial

Just buy a plain white onesie {I use 0-3 month size}, find a mustache shape in the Silhouette shape library {I used shape #15443}, size it to be about 4" wide, then cut the mustache shape out in Black Heat Transfer with my CAMEO on the Heat Transfer setting. Weed off the excess, leaving the mustache design on the clear transfer tape. After that, I iron it onto the front of the onesie {about 1.5" from the collar} for about 45-60 seconds on the cotton setting. Let cool and then remove the clear transfer tape. To package, I like to roll the burp cloths and mustache onesie and tie twine or ribbon around them. Put them in a reusable gift bag, add some colorful tissue paper, and a tag and you're set with a handmade baby shower gift for the little guy!

mustache-onesie2Burp Cloths tutorial:

burp cloth tutorial
What handmade baby shower gifts do you like to make?

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Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Happy Crafters. I received free product to try. All opinions are mine. Please see my disclosure page for a complete statement.


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